The European Commission’s ‘Prototyping New Innovative Services’ is a challenge set out in the recent ‘Roadmap for EOSC’ initiative to develop the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). The EU-funded NEANIAS project aims to co-design, deliver and integrate innovative underwater, atmospheric, and space research services into the EOSC. NEANIAS is developing each of the services to not only address its community-specific needs, but to also transition different scientific communities into the EOSC concept and ‘Open Science’ principles. The project will provide its communities with plentiful resource access, collaboration instruments, and interdisciplinary research mechanisms. In this context, NEANIAS draws an ambitious path dedicated to comprehensively address the ‘Prototyping New Innovative Services’ challenge.

Neanias project involves 20 partners from 9 European countries:

CITE’s role in the project is multi-fold: (a) technology partner providing solutions in integration of specific services, esp. ones dealing with data discovery, data management, authn/authz and migration to the cloud [WP5-WP6] (b) provider of commercially usable infrastructure [WP7] (c) contribution to the techno-economic analysis and business modelling as an actor with experience on the field both from the economic and the technical standpoints and assessment [WP9] (d) contribution to setting innovative business plan as a stakeholder, targeting commercial exploitation of project’s results (e) contribution to project’s activities including outreach activities, management [WP10], (f) contribution and support to the implementation of Open Innovation Calls (g) coordinator of service activities and leader of WP7. Finally, CITE’s personnel has vast experience in H2020, RTD projects and technologies in general, and will undertake the technical leadership of the project and has long experience in quality processes and risk management and will lead Quality Assurance tasks [WP1].

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 863448

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