Scarabaeus Platform
The Scarabaeus Platform Development project is an outsourced implementation project on behalf of COMIC P.C. (COntent Management In Culture), launched in 2015.
The Scarabaeus Platform consists of a number of interoperating subsystems that cover all spectrum of services required for the management and dissemination of cultural heritage content. Some of the elements of the platform are:
The Digital Asset repository, which follows a metadata schema agnostic approach, powered by powerful configuration mechanism that allows it to cover even the most complicated data models. Assets, collections, taxonomies, digital representations and several related data sets (such as maintenance, lending etc) can be all managed by the platform which is 100% web based.
An interoperability framework that ensures the dissemination and reuse of cultural heritage content covering a number of specifications such as SKOS, Handle System PIDs, OAI-PMH, OpenSearch, SRU, LIDO, Dublin Core, SPARQL, OAI-ORE, Open Linked Data etc. It can be integrated with Scarabaeus.DAM or literally any other digital asset /museum management system.
A dynamic, configurable, all html5 visualization of selected digital assets into a flexible, powerful timeline that can be plugged to any web interface, while it is both available in vertical and horizontal display with many default templates to be chosen by the Operator. Chronos application is completely interconnected with Scarabaeus.DAM but it can be easily interfaced with third collection management systems. The completely responsive design application allows access from both PC and mobile devices.
A web tool to create and present dynamic virtual exhibitions over the digital assets of a museum, gallery, collector etc
A web front end - client side JS only - that can be plugged into any site bringing Scarabaeus.DAM assets to the reach of web visitors.