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H2020 NEANIAS Project Completion

1 year 6 months ago
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Our project NEANIAS has come to a successuf completion after being reviewed by international experts appointed by the EC, acknowledging its exceptional results in several directions.

NEANIAS has been a complex, intense, 21-partner, 3-year long Research and Innovation project, coordinated by the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens and technically managed by George Kakaletris, CITE's Chief Research and Innovation Officer.

In total, NEANIAS onboarded 14 EOSC services, while it aligned an even larger number of services with it, preparing those for future onboarding. Its offerings include new innovative solutions for three sectors: Underwater, Atmospheric and Space Research. Those TRL8 services are now listed on the EOSC marketplace and can be accessed by researchers across the world.

Furthermore, NEANIAS, with its multidimensional approach, familiarised several research groups and business entities with Open Science and EOSC concepts and instruments, significantly strengthening the ecosystem.

Throughout those three years, CITE, with the support of an international group of experts, orchestrated the foundation of NEANIAS concepts and led several technical activities, such as the overall design of the platform, the sculpting of its Open Science alignment approach, the design and implementation of security mechanisms, the delivery of cornerstone core services (such as accounting, log aggregation and data publishing), the technical validation of services and the operationalisation of the entire endeavour with processes and instruments. CITE has been leading Quality Assurance as well as provisioning and management of all collaboration and dissemination platforms employed by the project.

CITE's CTO Giorgos Papanikos has been leading the activities tackling with infrastructure organisation and services' provisioning as well as capacity building, while CITE's CEO, Kostas Kakaletris has been project's Quality Assurance Task Force leader.

NEANIAS has been funded by European Union under Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, via grant agreement No. 863448.

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